Discarded Protection (One Hundred Facemasks)

Fittingly, 2020 became the year many discovered a new way to fend off germs and viruses. Mouth-nose coverings or masks became statements of survival, defiance, fashion or hot potatoes, politically. Societies clamored for a better supply, governments paid millions to have these items shipped as quickly as possible. On my walks I noticed how many of these valuable items ended up at the side of the street. No longer needed, cast off, dumped. What used to be precious and life-saving soon became unwanted and useless. Nature has a hard way to digest these products. They get wet and dirty, crumpled and overgrown. As relics of the pandemic they will remind us of these troublesome days for a long time.

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On some days I would stumble upon as many as twenty masks along a stretch of fence. Poor neighborhoods were richer in discarded masks. Some were of the most common and cheapest make, but others were made of fabric. Their wearers felt they did not need them anymore. Or they fell out of a bag or a pocket. This is my project: a memorial to a pandemic.

Advertising Analog

The German magazine GEO started out in the late 1970s, combining environmental, cultural and social reportage essays with exclusive photography. The editors commissioned famous and soon-to-be-famous photographers to cover stories around the globe. Susan Maiselas, for example, shot a story about the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. I found a few stacks from the late 1970s and early 1980s in pristine condition when a neighbor emptied their basement. Has the coverage stood the test of time? The essays vary in quality, and the tone of the writing often reminds us today of the stereotypes and misunderstandings of a bygone era. But in many ways, the curiosity about the world runs like a thread through the pages. The customs of an African people was as exotic as the way of life of the Japanese. But the reporters also examined the strange attitude and behavior of German Schuetzenvereine (shooting clubs).

Not surprisingly, some photography companies regularly supported the magazine by purchasing ad space. Canon was a regular, but also Minolta and Pentax. Kodak and Agfa battled it out for their latest emulsions. Leitz only advertised their range of binoculars. Here is a sample of the ads, with plenty of text to underscore the technological advances.

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From the pages of GEO magazine